Moje ime je Miroslav, imam 73 godine i u ime moje generacije se pitam: gde smo pogrešili? Ranije kada me pitaju koje sam godište, dovoljno je bilo da kažem da sam posleratna generacija i znalo se da mislim da sam rođen neposredno posle ’45. Nažalost kako je historija napredovala sada moram da budem precizniji na koji rat tačno mislim. Bio sam generacija koja je dizala novi svet, svet prosperiteta i „svi za jednog, jedan za sve“ mentaliteta. Bar mi je ostao duh rimovanja udarničkih parola sa radne akcije). I ne znam gde smo pogrešili. Ja sam kao mlad poštovao starije, mene danas retko ko poštuje. Ceo život sam radio da bih u penziji na miru u parku čitao novine, danas u Beogradu nit parkova, a bogami ni novina koje vredi čitati. Sve je samo beton. I to ne onaj socijalistički beton Novog Beograda koji je budio nadu za bolju budućnost, nego neka nadrgradnja dogradnja novogradnja, neki kič i šund. Ranije sam mogao nromalno da hodam ulicom, sad ne znam da li će me pokositi srčka, skejt, trotinet ili ponovo srčka jer nisam video ova druga dva.Da li je ovo budućnost koju smo mi stvarali? I dalje se pitam gde smo pogrešili?
My name is Miroslav, I am 73 years old and on behalf of my generation I ask myself: where did we go wrong? Earlier, when they asked me what age I was, it was enough to say that I was a post-war generation and it was known that I thought I was born immediately after ’45. Unfortunately as history has progressed I now have to be more precise about which war I mean exactly. I was a generation that raised a new world, a world of prosperity and a "one for one, one for all" mentality. At least I was left with the spirit of rhyming the striking slogans from the work actions). And I don't know where we went wrong. As a young man, I respected the elderly, today few people respect me. All my life I worked to retire to read newspapers in the park in peace, today in Belgrade there are no parks, and by God there are no newspapers worth reading. Everything is just concrete. And not the socialist concrete of New Belgrade that awakened hope for a better future, but some superstructure, extension of new construction, some kitsch and nonsense. I used to be able to walk normally on the street, now I don't know if my heart, skate, scooter or heart will cut me again because I haven't seen these other two. Is this the future we have created? I still wonder where we went wrong?
Rođen sam početkom devedesetih, najjače vreme, gas. Iz stare beogradske porodice, ćale neki zamenik direktora, keva profesor. Znali smo kada je ručak, često sam kasnio. Ćale se ljutio dok sam od keve vaćario keš za koješta. Ne moraju sve znati iako jesu. Uglavnom štedim za gilje, znaš kako kažu ne zaradjujem ali i ne trošim mnogo. Radio sam par poslova, brzo to mene smori, to su neki tripovi u glavama, ne mogu ja sa njima. Važno da sam školu završio, ćale je bio ponosan. Tražim realno posao u struci, ne mogu ja da radim svašta, roditelji su mi učeni ljudi, ne ide. Pored gilja volim i dobre ribe, volim drugare, svi za jednog jedan za sve. Blokove. Volim da rolamo autom po divljinama. Mrzim nepravdu, osim kada je ja učinim. Šalim se. Beograđanin sam ne znam koje koleno, prestali smo da brojimo. Tetovaža potvrđuje sve. Planiram još jednu u istoj temi. Kupujem domaće, osim najki patika. I odeće. Brza hrana mi je porok, trudim se zbog nje da što više kasnim na kuvano. Kuvanu rakiju cepam. Hladnu isto. Nisam vam rekao najjaču foru, moji su mi dali ime Srboljub, ej, devedesetih Srboljub. Volim ja tebra Srbiju i ljubim je ali ono. Znate kakva su deca u školi, prozivaju, mlatio sam ih posle, nisam im ostao dužan. Sada me zovu Srbeks, navikao sam se, iako zvuči kao fabrika mebl štofova. Osim pogrdnih imena ostavili su nam i sjebanu državu, pa se pitam ljudi, gde ste sve to pogrešili?
I was born in the early nineties, the strongest time, gas. Born into a old Belgrade family, some deputy director, mother-in-law, is sorry. We knew when lunch was, I was often late. Dad was angry while I was making cash from my mother. They don’t have to know everything even though they are. I mostly save for sneakers, you know how they say I don't make money but I don't spend much. I did a couple of jobs, it quickly bored me, it's some trips in my head, I can't do it with them. Importantly I finished school, Dad was proud. I'm really looking for a job in the profession, I can't do everything, my parents are learned people, it doesn't work. In addition to sneakers, I also like sweet chicks, I love my friends, all for one, one for all. Blocks. I love rollerblading in the wild. I hate injustice, except when I do it. Just kidding. I don't know which generation I am from Belgrade, we stopped counting. The tattoo confirms everything. I am planning another one on the same topic. I buy homemade, except for Nike sneakers. And clothes. Fast food is a vice for me, I try to be as late as possible for cooking because of it. I split boiled brandy. Cold too. I didn't tell you the strongest trick, mine gave me the name Srboljub, hey, in the nineties Srboljub. I love Serbia and I love it, but that. You know what children are like at school, they call out, I beat them afterwards, I didn't owe them anything. Now they call me Srbeks, I'm used to it, even though it sounds like a furniture fabric factory. In addition to derogatory names, they left us a fucked-up state, so I wonder people, where did you do all this wrong?