Starosrpska reč "hejter", mi se provukla po inboksima nekoliko puta ove godine, na konto par nepopularnih mišljenja koja sam izneo.
Mišljenje kao mišljenje, generalno, takvo kakvo je, i nije nešto baš u modi na našim prostorima u poslednje vreme. Kad kažem "mišljenje", mislim na ono racionalno, objektivno, uzročno-posledično rasuđivanje, ne na: "Ja mislim da je zemlja ravna, gled'o sam dokumentarac", mišljenje.
The old Serbian word "hater" has slipped through my inboxes several times this year, on account of a couple of unpopular opinions I have expressed.
Opinion as an opinion, in general, is as it is, and it is not something that is very fashionable in our area lately. When I say "opinion", I mean that rational, objective, causal reasoning, not "I think the country is flat, I watched the documentary", opinion.
E sad, vratimo se na ono - nepopularno. Primetio sam da određena mišljenja, koja eventualno mogu biti opovrgnuta drugim tvrdnjama, imaju svoj trend. Trend mišljenje se bazira na osnovu najglasnije grupe.
Dokazaću na jednostavnom primeru. Recimo, uzmimo popularno mišljenje da migranti nemaju šta da traže u Srbiji. Hoću reći, svako ko misli suprotno, povrgnut je linču mase popularnog stava.
Ili drugo, paradoksalno, ali upravo zbog toga meni omiljeno popularno mišljenje je: "Ne razmišljaj previše".
Kažu da je glavni uzročnik depresije i anksioznosti kod adolescenata taj "overthink". Zanimljivo je da lenjost, razmaženost, samospoznaja, manjak samopouzdanja i vaspitanja, niko ne pominje. Ali to već nije popularno kazati naglas. Neko bi se mogao uvrediti. Shvatate poentu?
Now, back to that - unpopular. I noticed that certain opinions, which can possibly be refuted by other claims, have their own trend. Trend opinion is based on the loudest group. I will prove it with a simple example. For example, let's take the popular opinion that migrants have nothing to look for in Serbia. I mean, anyone who thinks otherwise is subjected to the lynching of the masses of popular opinion.
Or else, paradoxically, but that’s exactly why my favorite popular opinion is, “Don’t think too much”. They say that the main cause of depression and anxiety in adolescents is this "overthink". It is interesting that no one mentions laziness, spoilage, self-knowledge, lack of self-confidence and upbringing. But it is no longer popular to say it out loud. Someone might be offended. Do you understand the point?
Uglavnom, na ovom portalu, zamoljen sam, konkretno, da pišem o aktuelnim dešavanjima koja su vezana za moje polje delovanja. Urbana, baš onako sasvim urbana kultura, Hip Hop i ostale ulične delatnosti.
Češće i malo uže od toga, pisaću o dešavanjima vezanim za ulične plesove, pod krovom pomenute subkulture. Sve to, za sad, isključivo na području Beograda.
Međutim, ovih dana, zahvaljujući jednom od gorepomenutih - popularnih mišljenja, skupljamo izostanke na igranke. Trenutno vlada teza da su klubovi kao i kulturološka i dešavanja bilo kog tipa socijalizacije i razmene energije leglo zaraze. NPZ – Narkomani, Pacovi, Zmije. I ja, imajući to u vidu, nemam baš o čemu da pišem. Pustićemo još jednom, kao i mnogo puta pre toga, da naši instagrami žive bolje živote od nas. Sa druge strane, kada su epidemiološke tenzije u pitanju, ne bi se moglo reći isto i za šoping.
Basically, on this portal, I was asked, specifically, to write about current events that are related to my field of activity. Urban, just like urban culture, Hip Hop and other street activities. More often and a little narrower than that, I will write about the events related to street dances, under the roof of the mentioned subculture. All that, for now, exclusively in the area of Belgrade.
However, these days, thanks to one of the above-mentioned - popular opinions, we are collecting absences for dances. Currently, the government claims that clubs, as well as cultural and events of any type of socialization and energy exchange, are a breeding ground for infection. NPZ - Drug addicts, Rats, Snakes. And I, having that in mind, don't really have anything to write about. We will let once again, as many times before, our instagrams live better lives than us. On the other hand, when it comes to epidemiological tensions, the same could not be said for shopping.
Vikend iza nas obeležilo je opasno zezanje po tržnim centrima, popularno Zara-žavanje. Koncept prepoznat među najokorelijim adrenalinskim zavisnicima – lovci na popuste. Ako na to dodamo otvaranje "Galerije" nameće se, možda i nepopularno mišljenje, da tržni centri kanda imaju neku prođu kod ovdašnjih šerifa od Notingema. Inače kada kažem "Galerija", ne mislim na galeriju kao finu prostoriju za izlaganje umetničkih dela i instalacija. A ne, ne. "Galerija", kao najveći tržni centar u ovom delu Evrope. Odmah iza Ada Mall-a najvećeg tržnog centra u ovom delu Evrope, koji je odmah iza još-jednog-beogradskog-opet-nekog-tržnog-centra, najvećeg, u ovom delu Evrope. Još jedan megalomanski, preko potrebni tržni centar, na koji trebamo biti ponosni, kako kaže Kisić Tepavčević, gospođa ministarka, ali i članica kriznog štaba u borbi protiv korona virusa.
The weekend behind us was marked by a dangerous joke in shopping malls, the popular Infection. The concept is recognized among the most ardent adrenaline junkies - discount hunters. If we add to that the opening of the "Gallery", it is possible, perhaps unpopular opinion, that the shopping malls of Kanda have some passage with the local sheriffs from Nottingham. By the way, when I say "Gallery", I do not mean the gallery as a fine room for exhibiting works of art and installations. And no, no. "Gallery", as the largest shopping center in this part of Europe. Right behind Ada Mall is the largest shopping center in this part of Europe, which is right behind another-Belgrade-again-some-shopping-center, the largest in this part of Europe. Another megalomaniacal, much-needed shopping center, which we should be proud of, as Kisić Tepavčević, Mrs. Minister, but also a member of the crisis staff in the fight against the corona virus, says.
Kako uz preporuke kriznog štaba slave nismo proslavljali, kolektivno smo uštedeli dovoljno novca da Crni Petak pretvorimo u crni humor.
Beograd je inače lep.
Kada nam vazduh dozvoli da ga vidimo.
I kada nam vrhovni poglavari dozvole da plešemo.
Ruku na srce, da ne budem onaj hejteroseksualac iz prve rečenice, u toj Galeriji, par nedelja iza nas, Flortodox crew dobio je priliku da organizuje mini plesni battle, povodom otvaranja Adidas prodajnog mesta. Pobednik muške All Style 1vs1 kategorije je Bokser (Recognize/FBB crew), a kod devojaka izdvojila se mlada, talentovana Erhvie. Cenjeni sudijski trojac činio je sastav: Zoey, Lesa i Đani. Opet se provukao sa događajem disk džokej, kao i sam organizator Angeloone.
Što se plesnih događaja u Beogradu tiče, to bi bilo to.
Načuo sam da će DJ Ennzy, u Pop Quartu, kada sve ovo prođe vrteti muziku specijalno za plesače. Možda ne bi bilo loše proveriti koliko je vest istinita?
Tamo negde krajem februara stidljivo se pakuje 2Hot4Stage FEST 2021., čiji plakati iz februara 2020. još uvek blede po budžacima Beograda, kao jedinog festivala koji se desio ove godine. "Vatra" je već zapalila svoju baklju i najavljuju događaj krajem marta.
Izgleda da predaja nije opcija.
Čekamo igle, predsedniče.
Ne zatvaraj, ne zavodi, ne uvodi nam policijski čas.
As we did not celebrate with the recommendations of the Crisis Staff, we collectively saved enough money to turn Black Friday into black humor.
Belgrade is otherwise beautiful.
When the air allows us to see it.
And when the supreme leaders allow us to dance.Hand on heart, not to be that heterosexual from the first sentence, in that Gallery, a couple of weeks behind us, the Flortodox crew was given the opportunity to organize a mini dance battle, on the occasion of the opening of the Adidas store. The winner of the men's All Style 1vs1 category is Boxer (Recognize / FBB crew), and the young, talented Erhvie stood out among the girls. The esteemed trio of judges consisted of: Zoey, Lesa and Gianni. The disc jockey, as well as the organizer Angeloone, got through the event again.
As for dance events in Belgrade, that would be it.
I heard that DJ Ennzy, in Pop Quart, when all this is over will play music especially for the dancers. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to check how true the news is? Sometime at the end of February, 2Hot4Stage FEST 2021 is shyly packed, whose posters from February 2020 are still fading in the budgets of Belgrade, as the only festival that happened this year. "Fire" has already lit its torch and they are announcing the event at the end of March. Surrender does not seem to be an option.
We're waiting for the needles, President.
Don't shut up, don't seduce, don't introduce curfew to us.
Ne bih imao šta da dodam, dragi milenijalci.
Meni tepajte Lex.
Oni koji umeju da čitaju, imali su priliku da me pomalo vide na Hip, malo više na BuzzSneakerStation-u i malo manje na MyPeople-u.
Od sada, do daljneg, čitamo se na RunBGD-u!
I napregnimo zakržljale mozgove. Valjda smo još uvek živa bića sposobna da misle. Znam da imamo bombarderskih frekvencija.
I would have nothing to add, dear millennials.Beat Lex on me.
Those who can read, had the opportunity to see me a little on Hip, a little more on BuzzSneakerStation and a little less on MyPeople.From now until further notice, we read on RunBGD!
And let’s strain the stunted brains. I guess we are still living beings capable of thinking. I know we have bomber frequencies.