Često se u raspravama o istoriji hip hop kulture na ovim prostorima vode razne polemike. Koju godinu uzeti, kako sve to posmatrati. Logično je da se za godinu koja je početak uzme 1984 jer tada se pojavljuje album Degout EP od Master Scratch Benda, knjiga Brejkdens i film Breakdance se pojavljuje u bioskopima širom tadašnje Jugoslavije. Tragovi se mogu naći i ranije, ali ova godina je napravila prvi bum.
Discussions about the history of hip hop culture in this area often lead to various controversies. What year to take, how to observe it all. It is logical to take 1984 as the year that began, because then the album Degout EP by Master Scratch Band appeared, the book Breakdance and the film Breakdance appeared in cinemas throughout the former Yugoslavia. Traces can be found earlier, but this year made the first boom.
Film Breakdance je izasao 1984 godine i prvi je film sa hip hop tematikom koji je dosao u Jugoslaviju. Te godine je u Beigradu bio cetvrti najgledaniji film u bioskopima odmah iza filmova "Oficir i Dzentlmen", "Halo Taksi", "Idi Mi Dodji Mi". Tadasnji osnovci i srednjoskolci su mogli film besplatno da gledaju pa su Brejkdens pogledali po nekoliko puta i odmah nakon filma se skupljali i vezbali pokrete koje su tamo videli. Ovaj film je jedna od tri stvari koje su obelezile 1984 godinu kada je rec o hip hop kulturi na ovim prostorima.
Breakdance, the movie, was released in 1984 and was the first hip hop film to come to Yugoslavia. That year the movie was the fourth most watched film in the Belgrader cinemas right after the films “An Officer and Gentleman", "Halo Taxi” (local production), "Idi Mi Dodji Mi” (local production). Elementary and high school students at the time could watch the film for free, so they watched Breakdance several times and immediately after the film, they gathered and practiced the movements they saw there. This film is one of the three things that marked the year 1984 when it comes to hip hop culture in this area.
The Master Scratch Band preko izdavacke kuce Jugoton (sadasnja Croatia Records) objavljuje Degout EP. Ovo izdanje se smatra prvim jugoslovenskim hip hop izdanjem. Iako tragove repa mozemo naci u nekim ranijim pesmama, ovaj vinil je zapisan kao temeljac sve popularnijeg zvuka. Degout EP je objavljen 1984 godine i smatra se jednim od tri najbitnije stvari koje su se desile te godine kada je rec o hip hop kulturi na ovim prostorima.
The Master Scratch Band had released Degout EP through Jugoton (now Croatia Records). This release is considered the first Yugoslav hip hop release. Although traces of turnips can be found in some earlier songs, this vinyl has been recorded as the foundation of an increasingly popular sound. Degout EP was released in 1984 and is considered one of the three most important things that happened that year when it comes to hip hop culture in this area.
Knjiga Brejkdensing je izasla 1984 godine. Prva knjiga koja je posvecena hip hop kulturi i koja je objasnila terminologiju hip hopa. Pionirski poduhvat, knjiga koju je prevodilac Branko Gavric sam finansirao i koja je danas raritet ali svakako prikazuje kakva je bila traznja za hip hopom tada. Stampana u tirazu od 5000 kom. Jedna od 3 stvari koja je obelezila 1984 godinu kada je rec o hip hop kulturi na ovin prostorima.
The book Breakdensing was published in 1984. The first book dedicated to hip hop culture and which explained hip hop terminology. A pioneering endeavor, a book that was self-funded by translator Branko Gavric and which is a rarity today, but it certainly shows what the demand for hip hop was like then. Printed in a circulation of 5000 pcs. The third of the 3 things that marked 1984 when it comes to hip hop culture in this area.