Da li, čime god se bavili, moramo biti fanatici kako bismo osvojili vrh? Trener Alena Smailagića potvrđuje priču. Priča započinje u beogradskom naselju Kotež, na polufunkcionalnom terenu kakav svaki pedalj grada ima. Klimava konstrukcija koša, iskidana mrežica. Razlog zbog kojeg su mnoge ekipe iz mladosti iskidane po svetu. Neću reći da je Alen imao sreće, već jasnu odluku da direktno sa betona preskoči sve kule i gradove lokalnih menadžera, i zapuca direktno na vrata iza kojih oni najveći pikaju loptu. Skaču, trče, lete po terenu. Kakav je to bio doček za Alena. Presudan, najteži test do sada. Najveća runda do sada, borbe koju od malena vodi. Golden Stejt Voriorsi su ipak, naizgled strašni, oberučke prihvatili našeg momka. Najbolji ambasadori su oni koji na ovakav način predstavljaju našu zemlju.
Pogledajte video i celu priču o klilnom centru iz Koteža.
Do we, whatever we do, have to be fanatics to be at the top? The coach of Alen Smailagić confirms the story. The story begins in the belgrader neighborhood of Kotež, on a semi-functional terrain that every hood of the city has. Wobbly basket construction, torn mesh. The reason why many teams from their youth have been torn around the world. I will not say that Alen was lucky, but it was a clear decision to jump over all the towers and cities of the local scouts directly from the concrete, to shoot directly at the door behind which the biggest ones are kicking the ball. They jump, run, fly on the field. What a welcome it was for Alen. Crucial, the toughest test so far. The biggest round so far, the fight he has been fighting since he was a child. The Golden State Warriors, however, seemingly terrible, accepted our guy with open arms. The best ambassadors are those who represent our country in this way.
Watch the video and the whole story about the power forward from Kotež.