Iako smo složni u tome da pokreti tela i ples govore više od reči, moraćemo da nekako sklepamo uvod za video koji sa vama želimo podeliti. Brejking je doživeo potpunu revoluciju koja jedna disciplina može proći. Od ulice, trgova, preko pozorišta, do Olimpijskih igara. Mnogima prošla godina nije dosta dobrog donela, ali brejkerima se završila slavno. Brejking je u decembru 2020. postao zvanično olimpijska disciplina, hejteri će reći: „baš sada kada su najpopularnije igre odložene zbog virusa!“. Sačekaćemo još tri godine, kad smo već čekali pedesetak godina od kada je brejking, ili poznatiji brejkdens zaživeo kao deo hip-hop kulture. O tome da li će Srbija imati svog predstavnika u Parizu, pogledajte u videu koji je BBC pripremio za nas!
Although we agree that body movements and dance speak louder than words, we will have to somehow make an introduction to the video we want to share with you. Breaking has experienced a complete revolution that one discipline can go through. From the street, the squares, through the theaters, to the Olympic Games. Last year did not bring much good to many, but it ended gloriously for the breakers. Breaking became an official Olympic discipline in December 2020, the haters will say: "right now when the most popular games have been postponed due to the virus!". We will wait another three years, when we have been waiting for about fifty years since breaking, or better known breakdance, came to life as part of hip-hop culture. Check out the video which BBC has prepared for us about whether Serbia will have its representatives in Paris!