Čovek koji je nepravedno ostao u senci drugih likova 90ih je ''Dugi'' ili ''Krakati'' ili ‘'Lajavi''.
Možda za njega niste čuli, ne biste bili jedini koji nije znao za ''prvog čoveka'' Novog Sada. U vreme kada je Arkan bio ''tata'', govorilo se da je Dugi obezbedio ''nezavisnost'' Vojvodine od Arkana.
Bio je jako cenjen u Novom Sadu, koji je svojim autoritetom branio čitavu pokrajinu od ''reketaša'' kao i od svih štetnih stvari koji nam je nametnuo zapad. Čak ga je i policija poštovala, toliko, da je vozio svoj mercedes bez tablica (svi su dobro znali čiji je).
The man who was unjustly left in the shadow of other characters in the 90's is "Dugi" or "Shorty" or "Barker".
Maybe you haven't heard of him, you wouldn't be the only one who didn't know about the "first man" of Novi Sad. At the time when Arkan was the "father", it was said that Dugi secured the "independence" of Vojvodina from Arkan.
He was highly esteemed in Novi Sad, who with his authority defended the entire province from "racketeers" as well as from all harmful things imposed on us by the West. Even the police respected him, so much so, that he drove his Mercedes without license plates (everyone knew whose it was).
Crnogorac iz Vrbasa je svoju karijeru započeo 70ih godina prošlog veka na zapadu, pulen Ljube Zemunca kog je mnogo voleo, inače bivši košarkaš je radio svašta (osim droge i prostitucije) i stekao dva hotela, najveću diskoteku u Novom Sadu, kuće i druge nekretnine.
Bio je odličan prijatelj sa Giškom, čiji je bio zamenik u Srpskoj Dobrovoljačkoj Gardi. Kao i član SPO (Srpski Pokret Obnove, politička stranka) u kojoj je Giška takođe bio ugledan član. Ali nešto kasnije je napustio SPO zbog neslaganja.
A Montenegrin from Vrbas started his career in the 70s of the last century in the west, a lover of Ljubo Zemunac whom he loved very much, otherwise the former basketball player did everything (except drugs and prostitution) and acquired two hotels, the biggest disco in Novi Sad, houses and other real estate.
He was a great friend of Giška, whose deputy he was in the Serbian Volunteer Guard. As well as a member of the SPO (Serbian Renewal Movement, political party) in which Giška was also a prominent member. But a little later he left the SPO because of disagreements.
Preživeo je nekoliko atentata, po njegovim rečima zato što je bio dobrog zdravlja ali dodao bih i sreće. Prvi je bio 1979. godine u Novom Sadu kada je slučajno izbegao zasedu tako što je poslušao svoju intuiciju i nije se vratio putem kojim se inače vraća kući, tada je imao 24 godine.
Drugi put je bio na ratištu kada je džipom obilazio položaje. Kada je otvorena paljba na njega, džip mu se nasukao na izbočine kraj puta i hici ga nisi izrešetali po grudima. Po svemu sudeći je pucao Srbin pošto su protivnici bili daleko potisnuti. Mesec dana pre toga bačena mu je bomba na diskoteku. Treći put 1992. kada je pucano iz automatskog oružja ispred kafića u kojem je sedeo. Pogođen je u rame i grudi ali je preživeo. Operisali su ga i stavili mu šipku. Posle šest dana od bolničke sobe je napravio javnu kuću. Tvrde ljudi.
He survived several assassinations, according to him, because he was in good health, but I would also add luck. The first was in 1979 in Novi Sad, when he accidentally escaped an ambush by listening to his intuition and did not return the way he normally returns home, back then he was 24 years old.
The second time he was on the battlefield when he was touring the positions in a jeep. Apparently, the Serb fired because the opponents were far suppressed. A month before that, a bomb was thrown at his disco. The third time was in 1992 when he was shot from an automatic weapon in front of the cafe where he was sitting. He was hit in the shoulder and chest but survived. They operated on him and put a bar on him. After six days, he turned the hospital room into a brothel. Hard people.
Dugi je tvrdio da je on izmislio nošenje dva pistolja sa sobom.
– Vidi, ja sam prvi u Evropi patentirao nošenje dva pištolja. To je bila fora. Kad izbije neka svađa, ja jedan trijumfalno bacim, tip krene na mene, ja izvučem drugi, lupim ga po glavi i razbijem ga ko konja.
Zanimljiva činjenica da je bio nadaren za glumu kako je rekao reditelj Stojan Stojčić. Kojem je ''uleteo'' sa oko 100 000 maraka pomoći za snimanje filma „Nečista krv“.
„ Mislim da Branislav nije ušao u projekat „Nečiste krvi“ da bi vratio uloženi novac, već kao istinski ljubitelj umetnosti – govorio je reditelj.
Stojčić je tada čak najavljivao i da će Lainović dobiti glavnu ulogu u njegovom sledećem filmu za koji bi zajednički napisali scenario.
– On ne samo što voli kameru, već je srpski Silvester Stalone, ili Klint Istvud. Tvrdio je Stojčić.
Film je, međutim, ostala samo velika ljubav Dugog.
Dugi claimed that he invented carrying two pistols.
- Look, I was the first in Europe to patent the carrying of two pistols. That was cool. When an argument breaks out, I throw one triumphantly, the guy goes after me, I pull out the other, hit him on the head and smash him like a horse.
An interesting fact is that he was gifted in acting, as director Stojan Stojčić said. He "flew in" with about 100,000 DM (Deutsche Mark before the Euro) in order to help to film a regional blockbuster „Nečista krv“ (Impure Blood).
"I don't think Branislav entered the "Impure Blood” project to return the invested money, but as a true art lover - the director said.
At that time, Stojčić even announced that Lainović would get the main role in his next film, for which they would write a screenplay together.
- He’s not only loving the camera, but he is the Serbian Sylvester Stallone, or Clint Eastwood. Stojcic claimed.
The film, however, remained only the great love of Dugi.
Boni i Klajd
Upoznao je devojku po imenu Dolores u kazinu u Roterdamu u kojem je voleo da se kocka, redovno.
- Atraktivna ženska, jeste malo jača, ali razbojnik. Izvadim je iz bara. I kad je izbila frka zbog mene, i nju isteraju iz Holandije iako je imala sređen boravak jer su znali da ću dolaziti.
Vodio je sa sobom u sve avanture uključujući i pljačke.
- Zalomi se i neka provala, ali Dolores me je uvek pratila u svemu. Ja u pljačku a ona sa mnom.
Medjutim kad se vratio u Srbiju ona je počela po njegovim rečima da ''švrlja'' po Novom Sadu dok je on bio na frontu. Govorio joj je da ode iz Novog Sada i započne novi život ali ona nije htela to da prihvati rekavši da ga i dalje voli.
- Kreše se ona uveliko. I ja to provalim. Povređena mi sujeta, uhvatim je i fizički i moralno unakazim. To je bilo iživljavanje. Po čitav dan sam je vozio po Novom Sadu u gepeku, na temperaturi od četrdeset stepeni.
Ma, kakva Mata Hari, Džoni. Dolores je bila kriminalac pravi.
Bonnie and Clyde
He met a girl named Dolores at a casino in Rotterdam where he loved to gamble, regularly.
- An attractive woman, she was stronger build, but a cook. I took her out of the ghetto. And when the fuss broke out because of me, she was also expelled from the Netherlands, even though she had a tidy stay because they knew I would come.
He took her with him on all adventures including robberies.
- There was a burglary, but Dolores always followed me in everything. Me in the robbery - and she with me.
However, when he returned to Serbia, according to him, she started "wandering" around Novi Sad while he was at the front. He told her to leave Novi Sad to start a new life, but she did not want to accept that, saying that she still loved him.
She's was messing around with other guys a lot and I found out. My vanity was hurt, I catch her and physically and mentally broke her. It was an endeavor. I drove her around Novi Sad all day in the trunk, at a temperature of forty degrees.
Who is Mata Hari, Johnny. Dolores was a real criminal.
Da su mu ponudili smrt koju je dobio sigurno bi se uvredio, glamurozan život mu je skončan dosadnim poglavljem.
Oko 16:15, ispred hotela "Srbija" u Ustaničkoj ulici u Beogradu. Lainović je stajao ispred kioska i čekao nekoga, kada mu je prišao mlad čovek u crvenoj jakni i ispalio tri hica iz pištolja; dva su Lainovića pogodila u glavu. Nije imao nikakve šanse da preživi.
Zašto je ubijen možemo samo da pretpostavimo, postoji više razloga: Zemunski klan zbog njega nije mogao da se proširi na tržište Vojvodine, nije se slagao sa Arkanom, mnogo je znao i mnogo je voleo da priča zbog čega je i imao nadimak Lajavi. A jedan od razloga može biti i taj što se nakon izlaska iz SPO zalagao za autonomnu Vojvodinu.
Na vama je da zaključite.
Had they offered him the death he had received he would surely have been offended, his glamorous life ended with a boring chapter.
Around 16:15, in front of the hotel "Srbija" in Ustanička Street in Belgrade. Lainović was standing in front of the kiosk and waiting for someone, when a young man in a red jacket approached him and fired three shots from a pistol; two bullets hit Lainovićs in the head. He had no chance of surviving.
We can only assume that there are several reasons why he was killed: The Zemunski Klan (Zemun clan) could not expand to the market of Vojvodina because of him, he did not agree with Arkan, he knew a lot and liked to talk a lot, which is why he was nicknamed Lajavi. And one of the reasons may be that after leaving the SPO, he advocated for an autonomous Vojvodina.
It is up to you to conclude.