Da li je život tamo negde zaista bolji?
Zavisi gde je to tamo negde. Meni je lično bolji, ali to je vrlo individualna stvar, i ljudi imaju vrlo individualne kriterijume šta za njih predstavlja bolji život.
Is life there really better somewhere?
Depends where it is out there somewhere. It's better for me personally, but it's a very individual thing, and people have very individual criteria for what a better life means to them.
Glavni razlog za odlazak iz Beograda?
Glavni razlog je osecaj zasićenosti trenutnim sistemom vrednosti i generalno vrlo korumpiranim funkcionisanjem stvari u Beogradu i zemlji, počev od načina nalaženja posla pa do sve većeg stepena jeftinosti u ljudima, kao posledica tog sistema. Od toga se ne može pobeći ni u jedan ćošak Beograda. To je samo jedan od sigurno deset razloga.
The main reason for leaving Belgrade?
The main reason is the feeling of saturation with the current value system and generally very corrupt functioning of things in Belgrade and the country, starting from the way of finding a job to the increasing degree of cheapness in people, as a consequence of that system. You can't escape from that in any corner of Belgrade. That’s just one of for sure ten reasons.
Da li te neki deo grada u kojem živiš podseća na Beograd i zbog čega?
Da, podseća me ceo grad u kome trenutno živim na Beograd, mahom zbog arhitekture, istorijskog uticaja i geografskog položaja zemlje u kojoj se nalazim. Vrlo često čujem u pozadini svojih misli pesmu “Gde je sad moj Beograd” dok šetam Budimpeštom. :)
Does any part of the city where you live remind you of Belgrade and why?
Yes, it reminds me of the whole city where I currently live in Belgrade, mainly because of the architecture, historical influence and geographical position of the country in which I am. Very often I hear the song "Where is my Belgrade now" in the background of my thoughts while walking through Budapest. :)
Da li bi radije preselio Beograd u zemlju u kojoj živiš, ili grad u kojem živiš u Srbiju?
Ne bih selila nijedan grad u neku drugu zemlju, jer onda bi taj preseljeni grad automatski bio izmenjen i prilagodjen kulturi i okruženju iz kojeg sam otišla i u koje sam došla.
Would you rather move Belgrade to the country where you live, or the city where you live to Serbia?
I would not move any city to another country, because then that relocated city would be automatically changed and adapted to the culture and environment from which I left and to which I came.
Koja je prva psovka na sprskom jeziku koju si naučio lokalca u gradu u kojem živiš?
Zanimljivo je da, kada sam došla, lokalci su mi se već pohvalili koje sve srpske psovke znaju, a među najučestalijima je ona kada “srdačno” šaljemo nekoga nazad kod majke odakle je došao...
What was the first swear word in Serbian that you taught a local in the city where you live?
It is interesting that, when I came, the locals already boasted to me about all the Serbian swear words they know, and among the most common is when we "cordially" send someone back to their mother where he came from ...
Koja je to hrana koju nosiš sa sobom iz Beograda sadašnjoj kući?
Rakija, Miročki sir i domaći planinski med (V)
What is the food you bring with you from Belgrade to your current home?
Brandy, Miročki cheese and homemade mountain honey (V)
Da si ostao u Beogradu čime bi se bavio trenutno?
Nisam dobila priliku da se bavim bilo čim sto bi sve moje kvalifikacije trebalo da mi pruže, nisam nažalost dobila priliku ni za intervju za posao u moru aplikacija za oglase za posao.
If you had stayed in Belgrade, what would you be doing at the moment?
I didn’t get a chance to do anything that all my qualifications should provide me with, I unfortunately didn’t even get a chance for a job interview in a sea of job ad applications.
Uporedi noćni život Beograda sa gradom u kojem živiš.
Mislim da je noćni život Beograda neuporediv ni sa jednim drugim gradom. Beograd poseduje barem sedam različitih tipova izlaska, za razliku od većine evropskih i vanevropskih prestonica koje poseduju uglavnom šablonski, komercijalizovani tip noćnog provoda, kojem je svaka mlada ličnost prilagodljiva. Ako bih morala nekako da uporedim, rekla bih da je noćni provod u Beogradu paleta svih mogućih boja, dok je Budimpešta tri lepe nijanse crvene, ali nijedne druge boje.
Compare the night life of Belgrade with the city where you live.
I think that the night life of Belgrade is incomparable with any other city. Belgrade has at least seven different types of going out, unlike most European and non-European capitals, which have a mostly standard, commercialized type of nightlife, to which every young person is adaptable. If I had to compare somehow, I would say that the nightlife in Belgrade is a palette of all possible colors, while Budapest is three beautiful shades of red, but no other color.
Uporedi kulturnu scenu Beograda sa gradom u kojem živiš.
Zanimljivo je da Beograd ima jako dobru kulturnu scenu a moZda nije svestan dovoljno toga. Mogu s ponosom da kažem da je u rangu najraznovrsnijih kulturnih scena. Budimpešta nudi veći veću raznovrsnost i u umetnosti i muzici, jer u njoj živi mnogo stranaca i svi oni mogu naći kvalitetan program za sebe i svoje potrebe.
Compare the cultural scene of Belgrade with the city in which you live.
It is interesting that Belgrade has a very good cultural scene and it may not be aware of that enough. I can proudly say that it is in the range of the most diverse cultural scenes. Budapest offers greater greater diversity in both art and music, because many foreigners live in it and they can all find a quality program for themselves and their needs.
Da si gradonačelnik Beograda koji bi bio tvoj plan napretka kako bi privukao ljude poput tebe da se vrate?
Iskreno, ne bih volela da budem gradonačenik Beograda kakav danas poznajem, jer bi to značilo da sam gorko korumpirana ličnost, a to ne želim nikada da budem.
Plan napretka kako bi se ljudi vratili moZda ne može da postoji za ljude koji su otišli već sada i dobili visoko bolji tretman u svakom aspektu (naravno, zavisi šta radite i gde), ali plan napretka koji će eliminisati volju u narednim buducim mladim naraštajima da odu može da postoji, tako sto će država uložiti mnogo više resursa u obrazovanje mladih i uneti reforme u pogledu besplatnog obrazovanja za sve i strategija za integraciju snih nacionalnih manjina i slojeva u obrazovni sistem koji za cilj treba da ima prvo edukaciju o tome kako se sada živi i kako smo dosli tu gde jesmo, i šta je to nacinilo od nas i našeg morala i kako da ne dodjemo tu gde smo sada više nikada i da podsticemo prave vrednosti. Obrazovanje je jedino rešenje. Dugorocno i daleko, ali jedino, i o ovoj temi se ne mogu napisati samo tri rečenice, realno...
If you were the mayor of Belgrade, what would be your progress plan to attract people like you to return?
Honestly, I would not like to be the mayor of Belgrade as I know it today, because that would mean that I am a bitterly corrupt person, and I never want to be that.
A progress plan to get people back may not exist for people who have left now and received highly better treatment in every aspect (of course, it depends on what you do and where), but a progress plan that will eliminate the will in future future young generations to The state can invest much more resources in the education of young people and introduce reforms in terms of free education for all and strategies for the integration of national minorities and strata into the education system, which should aim first at education on how to alive and how we got to where we are, and what it has done to us and our morals and how not to get to where we are now again and to encourage true values. Education is the only solution. In the long run and far, but the only thing, I can't write only three sentences on this topic, realistically ...
Da li su se tvoji pogledi na svet promenili od kada si se preselio?
Drasticno. Najviše o tome da kada živite u ne tako razvijenom i pravičnom okruženju gde sudstvo nije nezavisno, gde politika diktira zakon, gde su se vrednosti okrenule za 360%, i tako redom, shvatite tek kad se izolujete iz toga koliko je zapravo teško boriti se protiv tog sistema, i biti dobar i pošten u tom sistemu i koliko loših, “sitnijih” stvari na putu tolerisemo, samo zato sto ima puno krupnih loših. Takodje, to da je život koji nam je dat neprocenjiv i da vredimo svi mnogo više kao ljudi i individue nego sto nam to nas sistem pokazuje i omogućuje da vidimo sami.
Have your views of the world changed since you moved?
Drastically. Most of all, when you live in a less developed and fair environment where the judiciary is not independent, where politics dictates the law, where values have turned 360%, and so on, you only realize when you isolate yourself from how difficult it is to fight of that system, and to be good and honest in that system and how many bad, "small" things we tolerate along the way, just because there are a lot of big bad ones. Also, that the life given to us is invaluable and that we are all worth much more as people and individuals than the system shows us and allows us to see for ourselves.
Koja je glavna razlika izmedju Beograda i grada u kojem trenutno živiš ?
U Beogradu sam uglavnom bila okružena Srbima, i turistima koji su najčešći u prolece i leto.
Ovde živim i družim se sa preko trideset razlicitih kultura i najmanje sa Srbima, sticajem okolnosti, i to je neopisiva razlika na intelektualnom, socijalnom, emocionalnom i duhovnom nivou - ne bolja, ne gora, samo ogromna i glavna razlika, a definitvno ne i jedina.
Svaki grad ima svoj pečat, i život u inostranstvu je avantura za sebe, i iako sam svesna boljih aspekta u skoro svemu, ja moje rodoljublje i moj Beograd nosim zauvek u srcu sa sobom, i delim lepote o njemu sa ostatkom sveta, jer na taj način delim sebe s drugima.
What is the main difference between Belgrade and the city where you currently live?
In Belgrade, I was mostly surrounded by Serbs, and tourists, who are most common in spring and summer.
I live and socialize here with over thirty different cultures and at least with Serbs, by coincidence, and it is an indescribable difference on an intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual level - not better, not worse, just a huge and main difference, and definitely not the only one. .
Every city has its own stamp, and life abroad is an adventure in itself, and although I am aware of the better aspects in almost everything, I carry my patriotism and my Belgrade with me forever in my heart, and I share the beauties about it with the rest of the world. the way I share myself with others.